Want2Walk weekly walks will resume on Wednesdays, Wednesday 3rd Sept walk is the Tourlestrane\Curraboy Footbridge walk meeting at Tourlestrane Church carpark at 10.20am. See below details of September walks. Newcomers welcome to join at any time.
Tuesday’s the Boccia club meet at 12.30pm in the FRC if you would like to try out the game of boccia why not call into the centre.
Men’s Shed meet in Banada on a Wednesday evening
Thursday Morning Women’s Crafters Group continue to meet weekly in the centre at 10.30am.
Conversational English classes will start back on Friday September 5th at 10.00am in the FRC. Classes are open to anyone for whom English is not their first language.
Tubbercurry Parent and Toddler group will start back on Monday 22nd Sept at 10.30am.
For more information on any of the above contact the FRC 071 9186926.
Want 2 Walk!! South Sligo Community Walking Group
| Walk Name | Walk Details | Meeting Time and Place |
Wednesday 3rd Sept | Tourlestrane Curraboy foot bridge walk | 1 hour 15mins | 10.20am Tourlestrane Church Carpark |
Wednesday 10th Sept | Carranne Ball Alley Loop | 1hour 15min | 10.20am Carrane Ball Alley |
Wednesday 17th Sept | Mullinabrenna Walk | 1 hour 15mins | 10.20am Mullinabrenna Carpark |
Wednesday 24th Sept | Tullymoy Loop
| 1 hour 15mins | 10.20am Banada Health Centre |
Wednesday 1st Oct | Aclare\Coolrecuill Loop | 1 hour 15mins | 10.20am meet Aclare Village |
For further details contact the FRC on 071 9186926