What’s Happening

Summer Camps:

Tubbercurry FRC will be hold two summer camps. Camp 1 July8th – 12th is for 6-12 year olds, camp 2 July 15th – 19th is for 4 – 5 year olds. Some of the activities will include, multisport events, gardening, cookery, arts and crafts etc. Camps will run from 10am to 2pm the cost of camp is €50 per child, family discounts will apply.

Want 2 Walk

Walk 4 of our 5 Weeks 5 Walks Programme will take place in Moylough next Wednesday 5th June at 10.15am meeting at the Heritage Centre. The walk is approximately 6km, all are welcome.


Teen Summer Programme

The FRC supported by SSRP will be running events for 12-16 years in the month of June. Events will include: mountain biking in the Ox Mountains on June 20th (11am-1pm) meeting at Lough Talt. A three day camp June 26th -28th which will include a day in the Ox Mountains orienteering, learning bush craft skills and team activities (10am-2pm). The other two days will involve rebounding\trampolining, boxercise etc with trained coaches also a boccia and pool tournament (11am-1pm). Numbers catered for will be limited so booking is essential. Transport will not be provided.


Breastfeeding Support Group

Due to the bank holiday the next meeting of the support group will take place on Monday June 10th at 10am in the FRC. Breastfeeding support group is for expectant mums who are considering breastfeeding and those who are currently breastfeeding, and provides the opportunity to get support, share information and encouragement.

For more information on any of the contact the centre 071 9186926.

Tai Chi Classes

Commencing Tuesday 4th June 7-8pm in Tubbercurry FRC, first class will be a free introductory class. For more details contact Jason 086 1755670 email southsligotaichi@gmail.com